NEW: Introducing Empire Life's Growth & Loyalty Bonus Program
Empire Life’s newest insurance bonus rewards qualifying advisors for both growth and loyalty who achieve year over year growth in net annualized FYC from all life and health insurance product sales.
Beginning January 1, 2024, qualifying advisors can earn between 5% to 12.5% of net annualized first year commission when they submit and settle life and health insurance applications with Empire Life. Earning even more with each consecutive year in the program! Check out all of the details and qualification requirements in the Information Circular and Flyer.
Designed to make it simple, fast, and easy to create segregated fund portfolio illustrations for your clients, the eVision Investment Illustrator puts the power of portfolio construction at your fingertips.
Built-in risk profile assessment: Complete the questionnaire or select from a list of investor profiles to help start the portfolio construction process.
Robust illustrations: The modern and responsive design provides a visual breakdown of the proposed portfolio’s potential investment growth, historical returns, asset allocation, risk/return profile and fees.
Professional output: Create a customizable, professional portfolio report that you can share with clients.
Now extended: Empire Life boosts return on its money market fund, targeting 4.5%1
The Empire Life Money Market Fund’s targeted annualized rate of return will offer your clients a competitive rate of return while they wait for more favourable market conditions. In addition, if interest rates increase between now and March 31, 2024, the annualized rate of return will adjust as the return of the portfolio reflects the rate increase.
For more on the process, review the advisor and investor flyers.
They present a comprehensive explanation of the three funds, aimed at offering your clients a clearer understanding of their benefits and potential. Visit our Empire Life Guaranteed Investment Funds page to access these updated flyers and more.2
Now available! Multi-Strategy Investor Q3 Commentary
Dave Paterson, Portfolio Manager, shares insights on market action in Q3 2023. Investors headed into the third quarter with a sense of optimism, as looming recession fears dissipated thanks to strong economic and employment data. However, positive sentiment later turned gloomy over fears that central banks are expected to keep rates higher for longer.
Encourage your clients to give the gift of life insurance this holiday season with Kid Start
Kid Start from Empire Life is a whole life insurance strategy that leverages the tax advantages of individually owned life insurance to help your clients give the next generation a financial head start in life.
Did you know with highly competitive total premiums and guaranteed values, EstateMax® is a great solution to power a Kid Start strategy? Watch and share.
The Empire Life participating fund offers the possibility of receiving dividends3 each year and has demonstrated a strong track record for success, highlighting the performance and stability our participating plans offer. Historically, we've been able to achieve:
5.79% return Year to Date in 2023 6.40% average return over the last 10 years 7.21% average return over the last 30 years
In addition to our participating fund performance, our participating life insurance plans have guaranteed premiums and cash surrender values–providing an excellent opportunity for many Canadians.
Consistent returns with a conservative investment approach have made Empire Life participating life insurance plans successful over the years. It is also why we have never failed to pay a dividend in the history of offering this type of insurance. Our dividend scales are guaranteed never to fall below zero percent and any dividend, once paid, cannot be taken back.
3Dividends are not guaranteed. They are paid at the discretion of the board of directors and will vary—upward or downward—depending on future experience. Par returns include returns on par surplus and are not actual returns to policyowners.
2024 Weekly Advisor Pay Schedule
Pay day is every Friday for advisors (unless there is a statutory or bank holiday during the week). In order for commissions to be reflected on each pay, all outstanding requirements must be in Head Office and the policy settled.
If not, please complete this form so that we send Empire Life business emails to the correct email address.
2A description of the key features of the individual variable insurance contract is contained in the Information Folder for the product being considered. Any amount that is allocated to a Segregated Fund is invested at the risk of the contract owner and may increase or decrease in value. Please read the information folder, contract and fund facts before investing. Performance histories are not indicative of future performance.
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The Empire Life Insurance Company 259 King Street East, Kingston Ontario K7L 3A8 1 877 548-1881 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, EST weekdays
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